紅葉の季節の混雑がようやく落ち着き、師走の慌ただしさが始まる前の束の間、京都の街を訪れました。京都市内にフォーナインズ ショップは3店舗。新しくオープンしたお店もありますので、路地を散策しつつ改めてご紹介したいと思います。
フォーナインズの求める最高純度のクオリティとは、心地よくお使いいただける「商品」、その知識と技術を持った「人」、それをお客様へお伝えする「場所」。それらすべてを高い次元で提供することで実現すると考えます。そのための理想的な環境を備えているのが、フォーナインズ ショップです。また、ながく快適にご使用いただくためにはメンテナンスも重要です。最初にご来店いただいた時からアフターフォローまで、お客様にご満足いただけるクオリティを追求し続けます。
After the autumn leave season crowd and before the year end rush, I visited the city of Kyoto for a brief time. In Kyoto, there are three Four Nines stores. While we stroll through the alleys of the city, get familiar to our Four Nines stores in Kyoto which some of them have just made its grand opening.
Four Nines’ pursuit of quality apply to the “product”, designed with the best comfort, the “people” who own adequate knowledge and skills to express dedication put into creation, and to the “stage” that convey this knowledge to the customers. It also applies to the after-sales support ensured for your lasting comfort on daily use at the utmost level. Four Nines Shops are equipped with the ideal environment to realize these goals.

京都の経済・商業の中心である四条烏丸エリア。銀行や郵便局、オフィスビル、百貨店など、大きなビルが多くありながら、古くから商工業の中心の街であったことを窺わせる建物もそこここに見られます。遠く平安の時代から生地や呉服問屋の街として発展してきたこの界隈。繁華街も近く、今も昼夜を問わず活気にあふれた街です。京都のメインストリートとも言われる烏丸通から蛸薬師通を西へ入るとすぐ、立ち並ぶビルの中に現れる静謐な佇まいの京町屋。『橋弁慶町町会所』との札がかかったこの建物は、重要無形民俗文化財に指定されています。そこに店を構えるのが、『999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA』です。
Shijo-Karasuma area is an economic and commercial center of Kyoto. While modernly established with large office buildings such as banks, post offices and department stores, you will see architectural buildings elsewhere leaving the trace of commerce and industry since ancient times. Since Heian period, this area has developed as a town of fabric and kimono wholesalers. This area located nearby the downtown area, is still lively day and night. Passing through the Karasuma-dori, the main street of Kyoto and reaching West of Takoyakushi-dori, you will find a calm and traditional Kyoto townhouse, the Kyo-machiya. There, you will see the signboard, “Hashibenkeiyama Chokoijo”, a building registered as an important intangible folk-cultural property where “999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA” is located.
『999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA』がオープンしたのは2008年。中へ入ると、黒と濃茶を基調にした落ち着いた空間が広がり、中央に一直線に並ぶシェードランプと壁面に埋め込まれた無数の棚が、奥の方へと案内してくれているようです。入ってすぐのところにカウンターを設けているので、メンテナンスなどの相談も気軽にできます。ずらりと並ぶ豊富なバリエーション。ぜひあれこれ掛けてみてください。迷ったら、掛け姿を撮影し、モニター上に並べて客観的にご覧いただくこともできます。中庭を越えて離れへ。幾何学的な柄の格子窓からやさしく外光が注ぐフロアにはレディースフレームが中心に並び、向かい側には視力測定スペースが。表の通りから奥まった静かな環境の中、リラックスして測定を受けることができます。
“999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA” opened in 2008. Walk into the store, where you’ll be invited to a calm space based in black and dark brown. The lampshade that lines up at the center of the room and the countless shelves embedded in the wall will guide you toward the back of the store. You may easily ask for maintenance and consultation at the counter placed just beside the entrance. Try on the variety of glasses available at store. If not sure of what to take, take some pictures with the glasses on and compare them on a monitor so that you can check them objectively. Walk over toward the courtyard as you will see a separate room. Under a soft sun light that pass through the geometric-patterned lattice window, you will see Four Nines’ women collection and an eye examination room. The room designed away from the main street ensures a relaxing atmosphere for eye examination.
その離れから見える蔵には、祇園祭の山鉾が収められているそうです。毎年7月に行われる祇園祭。7月16日になると、この建物は祇園祭 橋弁慶山の会所へとその姿を変えます。「もちろんその期間、お店はお休みです。店内の棚をぜんぶ仕舞って、畳を敷いて。ほんとうにすべて、普段と全く違いますから」とスタッフの古住さん。「大変ですけれど」と笑う表情からは、楽しみにされてるのがしっかり伝わってきます。人びとの暮らしの道具である眼鏡を通して、また、1100年を超える伝統を支える場として、京都の人びとに深く関わっているお店です。
The Yamahoko floats used for the Gion Festival is stored inside the storehouse seen aside of the store. The Gion Festival is Kyoto’s traditional festival held every July. On July 16, the store located inside the historical Hashibenkei-cho building changes its presence into a meeting place for the Gion Festival. The shop staff Kosumi says, “Of course, the store is closed during this festival. All glasses and interiors will be cleared and the tatami floors will appear. Everything is really different from usual.”. She continues with a smile on her face, “It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it.”, where this smile shows much, she is excited for the festival every year. The store is deeply involved with the people of Kyoto through glasses as well as a place that supports a tradition of over 1,100 years.
999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA
999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA
231, Hashibenkei-cho, Karasuma-Takoyakushi-Nishiiru, Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Business Hours:11:00~18:00
Regular Holidays:Every Tuesday, 2nd and 4th Wednesday(Closed during the Gion Festival period from July 16th to July 26th)

Once you pass through the crowded arcades, the temples, and the established stores, and when crossing the Oike Dori to the North aside the Kyoto City Hall, you will feel the change of atmosphere. This south area of Kyoto Gosho known as “Gosho Minami” is a calm and a quiet residential area where you will find interior shops, antique shops, coffee shops, and some other apparel stores spot to spot. “It is a calm area with many stores that are particular about their products. It is a mature place,” says Amano, the staff of “999.9 selected by Stella OIKE”.
Amano adds, “I heard that when we started the store here, there were only few retail stores in this area.”. “Oogley”, the optical shop opened in 1986, the time where there were not many optical stores that dealt with glasses that the opticians truly liked themselves. It is a store that has been familiar and close to the residents, being a place to visit on the way to home, a store that has become a part of life.
木とタイルとコンクリートと。瀟洒な佇まいの店舗に入り、開放感ある吹き抜けの正面にある大きな階段を上った先が『999.9 selected by Stella OIKE』。2004年の店舗全面リニューアルのタイミングで、1階はセレクトショップの『オーグリー ラコンテ』、2階フロアをフォーナインズ ショップとして誕生。今年20年を迎えます。両側の壁一面に規則正しく並ぶ円形の棚。そこにはフレームが一本一本、丁寧に並べられていて、その先に様々な景色が広がる小窓をひとつずつ覗いていくように、多彩なフレームの中から自分のスタイルにぴったりのフレームを探し、迷い、選ぶ楽しさがあります。奥のソファでは、知識豊富なスタッフがお客様とじっくり対話をしながら、一緒に最適な眼鏡をお探しします。999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA同様、モニターで掛け姿の比較や、コレクションごとの世界観を感じていただけるムービーなどもご覧いただけます。眼鏡について、フォーナインズについて、なんでも相談できて真摯に応えてくれる安心感。それが、つい立ち寄りたくなる所以ではないでしょうか。
Wood, tile, and concrete. “999.9 selected by Stella OIKE” is located in front of the open atrium, at the top of the staircase. “999.9 selected by Stella OIKE” was completely renovated in 2004; the first floor as a specialty shop, “oogley raconte” and the second floor as a “Four Nines” shop. This year marks their 20th anniversary. Dozens of frames are carefully arranged piece by piece on the circular shelves that are regularly lined up on both walls where you will enjoy searching for your new pair of glasses as if enjoying the diverse scenery through each circular windows. Around at the sofa in the back of the room, the knowledgeable staff will consult you with the perfect pair of glasses. Likewise, 999.9 selected by Stella KARASUMA, you can also take pictures with the glasses on to compare them on the monitor to check them objectively and watch the new collection movies to learn more about the world of each collection. The trusty and reliable space to look for Four Nines. Isn’t this the reason why you may want to stop by 999.9 selected by Stella OIKE?
999.9 selected by Stella OIKE
999.9 selected by Stella OIKE
376, Kameya-cho, Gokomachi-Oike-Agaru, Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
2F oogley raconter
Business Hours:11:00~18:00
Regular Holidays:Every Tuesday, 2nd and 4th Wednesday

While people enjoy jogging and having a relaxing time at the banks of the Kamo River and while pondering how touching the nature is around the area, you will see a brightly painted vermilion gate across the Shijo Ohashi Bridge, the gate of the Yasaka Shrine. Yasaka Shrine is the headquarter of all Gion shrines in Japan. The Gion shopping district that stretches along the approach to the shrine is crowded with tourists from mid-morning.
祇園の中央を南北に走る花見小路を、四条通から南へ。細い脇道の先にまで連なる格子戸の街並み、石畳の道を歩き始めると見えてくるのが、昨年11月にオープンした『フォーナインズ 京都 祇園店』。暖簾をくぐってぜひ中へ。明るい色調の木目を活かした穏やかな店内では、街の喧騒を忘れゆっくりと商品をご覧いただけます。1階奥に設えたフィッティング専用のスペースは鏡越しの対面式です。細やかな調整によってご自身専用の快適な眼鏡へと仕上がってく様子をご覧いただくと、きっと愛着もひとしおです。視力測定スペースは2階に。より静かで落ち着いた中で、眼鏡の使用環境やご要望などをお伺いしながら検査いたします。
Street which runs vertically through the center of Gion and when turning to the south at the Shijo Dori, you will see a stone-paved street and a traditional lattice door which will invite you to “Four Nines Kyoto Gion” which newly opened last November. When entering through the shop curtain, the open space designed with wood pattern invites you to a quiet and a calm atmosphere to look for your best pair of Four Nines glasses. At the first floor, get your glasses adjusted at Four Nines’s unique barber chair like fitting space designed to talk face to face over the mirror. You will surely feel a strong attachment to your pair of glasses as you watch them being adjusted into a perfect fit, exclusively for you. At the eye examination room located at the second floor provided in a more private atmosphere, Four Nines’ expert will consult you to your best vision.
As there are many overseas customers, the store manager Kubo says, “We would like to spread Four Nines’ concept of craftsmanship and quality from Gion.” Kubo adds, “There is still so much about Gion that I don’t know. It’s deep, and every time I learn more about it, the more I get amazed.” When dropping by Kyoto, please feel free to share stories about Kyoto with Four Nines.
フォーナインズ 京都 祇園店
570-122, Gionmachi Minamigawa, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
Tel:+81 75-606-5549
Business Hours:11:00〜19:00
Regular Holidays:Every Wednesday, unless it falls on a public holiday
京都市内の徒歩で回れる範囲にありながら、街も、お店の雰囲気もそれぞれ。しかしながら、提供するのはフォーナインズ クオリティという同じもの。お客様との大切な接点となる場を広げることで、フォーナインズの思いをより多くの方々へ届けてまいります。
Although the three Four Nines’ stores are located within a walking distance in Kyoto, each store possesses its own unique atmosphere. However, what they all offer is Four Nines’ quality. By exploring and by expanding Four Nines stores in Kyoto, we hope to bring the Four Nines philosophy to as many audience as possible.